
Sunday, February 19, 2012

A party....without the guest of honor

   The food was prepared.  A pink table
 and a blue table.  There's to be a new set of twins in our church.  A boy and a girl.
 The packages were waiting....
And where was the guest of honor?

At the hospital with contractions!  Babies are due late March or early April, but the last doctor's visit found that lungs are developed and things should be ok if early delivery.  We said a prayer for the mom, dad and babies and then proceeded to enjoy the good food and fellowship.   Lots of pictures were made, delicious goodies were sent to Mom and Dad, and she'll have plenty of clothes and supplies for little Olivia and Mark when they come home from the hospital.  We're all hoping it will be false labor and she'll carry them a little longer.

We really know how to throw a baby shower.  But it's just not quite the same without the guest of honor.  We're all thinking of you Julie!  


  1. Hi,

    My son attended my baby shower. I thought that was kind of unique. lol

    He also came with me to our primary Sunday school before he was old enough. He still had 3 years to go. lol Primary is for the children ages 3-11 and I was teaching a class then. :)

    Prayers sent their way for the parents and babies. Take care, Janet W

  2. Lovely pictures shema the Mum couldn't be there to enjoy them.

  3. Twins! How much fun the way God works His miracles.

    Your comment of fully developed lungs made me think of a little baby born over here just before Christmas. The mama was only 27 weeks along in her pregnancy and had to have an emergency delivery. We all prayed like crazy as it was life threatening for both mom and baby. I am pleased to say though that baby Aria is so healthy now (and mama is good as well). Aria is still in the hospital because she was only 2 pounds at birth. But she has crossed every milestone and shocked the drs. with her physical development every step of the way. Aside from being small....she is normal and healthy in every way. Such a miracle.

    Blessings to you today (ok, I don't know how you feel about this but I am going to share all the same. As I typed that blessing to you I had a sudden picture in my head of Jesus smiling. It was a smile that had sparkle in his eyes and a fulness that for some reason expressed to me that He knew what your day is like today and what He has in store for you. He wants you to know He is the orchestrator and has your joy and His purpose always in tandem to one another.)

  4. wow!! looks like a you guys know how to throw a party!!


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