
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blah Blah Blah

Sorry I haven't been around to read all the wonderful blogs I love to follow.  I've been a little under the weather for the last few days.  But I'm on the mend and I'll get back to reading soon!

Hubby tried to take a photo of me looking awful today, but I covered my face.  You can see by the frown in my eyes that I'm getting well enough to be perturbed.  He could have made all the photos in the world yesterday and I would have been passive, lol.
Looking forward to catching up with all of you.


  1. Dear Glenda,

    Feel better real soon, ok?

    Take care, Janet W. ((((FEEL BETTER HUGS)))))

  2. It's a bummer when you're not feeling well - wishing you full fitness soon!

  3. Oh Glenda, It's been a hard winter for so many of us. Colds, flu, viruses of all types. Hope you feel better than ever...yesterday!

  4. Hi Dearest Glenda,
    Sorry for my belated comment. Are you feeling OK by now? I hope so☆☆☆
    I have been so tied up with the PC trouble or things to figure out...
    Haha, no end to learn!!!
    I hope you are having lovely Sunday with all of your family.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*


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