
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Is it summer yet?

Well, it seems to be official.  Winter decided not to come to South Carolina this year.  Today it felt like we also skipped Spring and headed right into Summer with the thermometer climbing a little above 80 degrees this afternoon.  Our backyard is a gardener's nightmare delightful mixture of wild onions, dandelions and clover.  I pulled out my camera and went for a stroll.

The plum trees are blooming way before they should be blooming which almost always spells disaster for the fruit.  When it blooms early, there's usually a frost that kills the blooms or a freeze that kills the fruit.  We'll be optimistic though!  Love those plums!
 Theo is tiptoeing through the clover patch.  Those clover leaves are almost as big as his head!
 Even Big Red has a spring in his step.
 The metal bistro chair needs a fresh coat of paint this year.
 The crocuses are raising up their pretty little heads.
Theo is licking his chops, perking up because he hears a bird around the bird feeder...
 And wanders off to stalk his prey....
Yes, Spring is in the Carolinas allright!  I say, "Bring it on".


  1. Yep, I'm calling Spring here. I mowed half the back yard, today. Surprisingly, the chickens took it quite well.

  2. Hello Glenda
    I do hope you are feeling a lot better tban last week, nothing worse than a touch of the winter blues or cold as in your case. Maybe these Spring like days will help with the recovery programme.

    Our hours of daylight are getting shorter - later sunrise earlier susnets - think Autumn is on the way down here. There have been some nights when I've pulled up another blanket - enough said lol

    I just thought you might like to know that because of posting issues at Blogger I had to move my blog over to Wordpress. changed the name slightly - now its Cathy @ Still Waters - but apart from that all hopefully is the same, I've put a direct link below. Would love to see you drop in when you have amoment or two.

    I'll still be able to keep up with your blog in my reader so wont miss any of your writings.
    Take care

    Cathy @ Still Waters

    1. Cathy, that's right! You have just been through your summer "down under" and getting ready for the Autumn season. If I ever make it to Australia, I'll have to remember to go in our winter so that I can enjoy your summer.

      I've already popped over to your new blog and like the new format of Wordpress. I haven't had any issues with Blogger so for now, I'll just stay put. Thanks for letting me know where you are - I wouldn't want to miss your posts.

  3. Dearest Glenda,
    Are you feeling better, my friend? I hope so!!!
    Wow, I loved these pictures; Theo and Big Red are really cute and seems to having fun under the nice weather. It still is a bit cold here but spring will come soon.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you Orchid! I am feeling better. I'm sure we still have a little cold weather ahead, but we know it will be short lived! I love Spring - new life everywhere and getting rid of the gloomy attitudes!


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