
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Brunch with the Girls

We finally got around to having our Pretty in Pink Valentine Day Brunch that I had planned for my daughters,  granddaughters and the two exchange students that are living with one of my daughters this school year.  We had fun and everyone seemed to enjoy the food and fellowship. 

Menu:  Bacon, Ham & Veggie Fritatta, Banana Nut French Toast, and Orangecicle Scones
Beverages:  Tea, coffee, juices

There were seven of us all together - seven voices trying to talk at once.  What fun!

Here's some of the photos in random order.  I never quite know how the Blogger photo sorter is going to sort them.  Randomly, of course :)

My Palmetta Palm tree fruit tray made with clementines, kiwi, and bananas

Orange Creamcicle Scones - so-o-o delicious!  I'll post recipe if anyone wants it.

The scones again.  We could have just had these and everyone would have been happy.

Banana Walnut French Toast just out of the oven and bacon frying

All the "girls".  My daughters are on each end.  Grandchildren right beside them, and Sarah & Nadir in the center

Laura's plate before she dug in.  It was emptied quickly ;)

Gathered round the table

Me and the grandchildren


Sarah left a thank you message on the placemat.  End of party!
What a great time we had! I hope it was a memory maker for the girls and that they enjoyed it as much as I did. 


  1. Dearest Glenda,
    Oh, what a lovely Pretty in Pink Valentine Day Brunch you had prepared♡♡♡ Look at these marvelous smiling faces♪♪♪ I trully respect you for your efforts for your girls and students.
    Happy for your wonderful time!!!
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  2. How wonderful! I can see the smiles and memories and oh my goodness the yummies! How tempting!
    Concerning the blogger placement of pictures; I have learned that if you click and hold onto each picture you can drag them around to different areas...even re-arrange the order if you like. But random placement is fun too.

    God bless you abundantly today.

  3. Oh Glenda,

    What yummy looking food. I love your palm tree. :)Oh I am sooooo hungry now lol

    Looks like everyone had a great time. It will be a good memory for all.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take care, Jant W


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