
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Madness

Summer has finally arrived - not officially, but here in the South, as soon as school is out and the kids kick off their shoes and celebrate, you know that summer is here.  It was an exciting school year for us as our youngest daughter opened up her heart and home to two exchanges students who became part of our family this past year.  Sarah, from Germany went home last week and Nadir, from Spain goes home Sunday.  We'll miss them - but daughter #2 and family are already saving us travel miles to visit them both next summer.

We've been busy lately and I've neglected my house for such a long time.  I'm ashamed to tell this, but just last week I took down my Easter tablescape in my dining room.  Well, in my defense I did put up the bunnies weeks ago....but dishes and tablecloth were still there.  Hey!  I've done worse - once I left my Christmas tree up until February!

But this not about table setting - though I will show you one quick picture before I finish the post.
I've been doing a lot of blogging - not here, but on my other blog since most of my "Life's Happenings" lately have seemed to be consumed by the summer yard sales and flea markets - and an occasional trip to a thrift shop or two.  You can read my summer happenings over at Flea Market Junky.

Today, I'm just giving a quick recount of our summer so far.

A little beach time....

Seeing new life - 4 new baby chicks with a protective mother hen....

Saying goodbye to Sarah and Nadir with a little party...
Now that's steps full of children, isn't it?

 Enjoying blooms from my flower garden...

Plum tree - chock full of plums.  We have to pick them before they're fully ripe or little worms will also find them delectable.  We don't use pesticides.  Besides there's plenty to share with the little critters.  And hey, if you happen to pick them a little ripe and happen across a hungry worm, there's your protein for the day :)

Taking away the winter red and browns from my living room and giving it a beachy summer theme with new pillows, throw and pictures.  And a few seashells thrown in for good measure.

And finally, just one little glance of my updated my dining room table.  I call it Dining on a Dime with Flea Market Finds.   To see how the bargain shopping went to set this table, go on over to Flea Market Junky.

Now that's my summer so far - how's yours?


  1. I've already seen that post on your other blog , so you know how much I loved it. Oh , I do love your new Summer beachy look. What a great idea. Lovely and fresh looking, and I love anything to do with the beach .I'm so pleased you've got some more baby chicks! Lovely photos of the garden, and, yes, that is a lot of youngsters on the steps. Enjoyed this post very much.

  2. Dearest Glenda,
    Wow, thank you for sharing with us your summer♪
    Your daughter saving for you all to travel miles to visit your guests next summer; how wonderful for all of you♡♡♡ I LOVE to hear these exchanging went so wonderfuly(^_^)v
    So sweet to see these lovely baby chicks and your new Summer beachy look☆☆☆ Well done, my friend; I wish I could these changes, small house to do (^^;)
    Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. Hi Glenda. I enjoyed getting caught up with you this morning. You certainly have a lot happening. But I can "hear" the smile as you recount all your fun filled day. Praise God for the treasure of relationships near and far. And what a joy that you are going to be able to visit them.

    Your garden blooms are heavenly and your fuzzy lil chicks must be so tempting to pick up and squeeze all the time. That quilt of sea shells on your couch....did you make that? It is quite beautiful.

    Blessings to you in abundance today in all you do.

  4. Sorry I haven't been here...I have a lot of catching up to do with blog reading and commenting.

    Wow looks like you have had a great summer so far. :) Cute little chicks.

    I have a confession to make...I have kept my Christmas tree up way past February. I just love Christmas, its true meaning, and the happy feeling. Just the other day I put away the last few decorations. Oh oops! There is still one in the bedroom hanging by the window...It says 'LET IT SNOW' :)

    Makes me feel cooler when the temp is 70-100 degrees. lol

    Love your pictures. The table setting is pretty.

    Take care, Janet W

  5. Remember me saying about my redecorating project? Well part of my idea was to have neutral walls and sofa so that I could change the pillows to suit the season (Ilove yuor summer look!)
    With all the drama of the last couple of weeks real life seems to have been put on hold but I think I am beginning to pick up the threads ... and getting round to reading the blogs again.


I love to hear your comments!