
Friday, June 1, 2012

Sneak on over

Hello to all my bloggy friends.  I haven't posted much lately because our seasonal business is back in full swing.  The summer season also brings yard sales and flea market summer items, and most of you know that I am a Flea Market Junky.  I've found lots of good buys so far this summer and have been posting about them and other finds that I've picked up through the years on my other blog.  I have Ebay and Etsy shops so I can support my habit by selling off the fabulous buys that I'm not keeping for myself.

If you find the time, sneak on over to read the latest posts I've done on my blogspot  "Flea Market Junky".
I'll be back soon to posting As Life Happens.

Don't give up on me - just follow the other blog and we'll still stay in touch until I can get back to normal! I love my followers and fellow bloggers - and yes, I may be a little slow getting all my blog rolls read, but I'm reading as often as I can.

Have a wonderful week.


Gone Garage Saling and Flea Marketing - Be back soon


  1. Of course we won't give up on you! We'll still all be here when you get back. Love the cartoon at the end of your post and also your header photo. See you soon!

  2. Dearest Glenda,
    Oh, like Diane says you are our good blog friend♡♡♡
    Yes, really lovely cartoon, i wonder how you made it p;)
    And thank you very much for the mail and also acceping my request.
    I will visit your wonderful "Flea Market Junky" blog later.
    I just had another soba guest from England and having busy days, haha.

    Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. I've not been the best at keeping up lately. No wonder I had trouble remembering you posting, you've been junkin'. We try and get out on Saturdays when we can.


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