
Saturday, October 8, 2011

I've been busy working on my first Fall tablescape. Stay tuned.

I love looking at tablescapes.  A tablescape is the overall look of your table, and the area around the table. It includes the table centerpiece, the place settings, napkins, decorations, flatware, stemware  and anything else used to set the mood of the table.  It's all the rage in the decorating world right now.  There are many blogs that cater only to decorating the table for holidays, dinner parties and all sorts of events.  Posting a tablescape is like an invitation into someones home - "come on in", they're saying.  "Make yourself at home."

 I feel a little like a voyeur sneaking a peak through the window of a dining room while they prepare for a party.  I can even feel their excitement and love looking at their little mementos they display making it all the more personal and inviting.

I spent several days last week turning my dining room into an Autumn dinner party waiting to happen.  All I need is someone to bring the food - I'm not cooking just yet.  But wait until Thanksgiving.  We'll have a good old Southern feast. 

Stay tuned - in the next few days I'll be posting pictures of my transformed dining room.  I've decorated it in warm Fall colors - dressing it up in a "Fall" inspired theme.   And also posting how I did it on a budget giving you details on items I picked up at flea markets, yard sales and items I purchased on sale at home goods stores.  I'm waiting on my napkin rings I bought off Ebay - if they don't come in the next few days, I'll improvise.

Meanwhile, slip over to one of the blogs I follow.  Susan at Between Naps on the Porch does a tablescape for every holiday and showcases other bloggers tablescapes also.  You'll love visiting her blog - she has a beautiful home and shares a lot of her decorating ideas.

Don't forget to watch for my Fall tablescape.  It's coming soon....I promise.


  1. I love the tablescapes at Stonegable! I just have to wonder where she keeps all of her dishes and decorations???

  2. I'll have to take a look sometime. If anyone else has some comments on other tablescaping blogs, post them here.

  3. We don't have a table. Gave it to the MIL. It always ends up as a 'catch all' here. ;)

  4. Hi Glenda. I'm always interested in reading about tablescapes from my friends in America. It's something that we just don't do over here. I look forward to seeing yours!

  5. Hi Glenda, looking forward to seeing your tablescape. What a neat idea.

  6. Ohhhhh you temptress! Looking forward to seeing your tablescape!

  7. Tablescapes? Ummm! That's a new one on me. It sounds fascinating.

  8. It amazes me that my UK and Aussie blogger friends don't do tablescapes - especially with all the fabulous fine china made in England that you Brits have available! I'm sure it will catch on soon. Google "blogs on tablescapes" and see all the beautiful tables out there .

  9. Hi, Glenda my friend.

    Oh, I trully am looking forward to seeing your fall tablescape♡♡♡
    Yes, in western culture people have wonderful table setting. I really am amazed observing them through blogs. I stopped by the site, marvelous aren't they♬♬♬

    So sorry for my belated comment my dear friend. Hugs to you, Orchid*

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