
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Tablescape 001 - My Dining Room decked out for the Fall Season

My first blog on tablescaping

I did a little teaser on Sunday's post about the Fall Tablescape I've been working on.  A tablescape is sort of like staging a scene for your dining room, kitchen or outdoor dining area - setting the table as if you were expecting guests at any time.  You'll find entire blogs dedicated to tablescaping with the decor ranging from formal / elaborate to casual / simple.

Last year I lucked up and found twelve 5-piece place settings of Copeland Spode (old mark) Buttercup pattern at our local flea market.  I paid $50 for 60 pieces of this china and it's in excellent condition.  Each place setting is worth what I paid for the entire set - like I said, it was my lucky day.  With the right setting, this china can be used for Fall, Spring or Summer by just changing the tablecloth, napkins and accessories to match the season.   When I saw it, I knew I wanted it for my Thanksgiving table.  I always go all out for Christmas, but never do much Fall decorating.

I have a mixture of old and new in my dining room.  My table and buffet are new and made from cherry wood, the small little tables are probably walnut, and the main pieces are late 19th century oak.  The mantle in my dining room is original to the house and is oak also.

This tablescape was done on a shoestring budget - most of the things I already had - a few things I've picked up over the years from flea markets, auctions or yard sales.  I like old things and love to give them a second chance.  I did make a few seasonal purchase from our local Home Goods Store - I find that I can find just about anything I want there.  The only thing I didn't find that was on my list was seasonal napkin rings - but I found those on Ebay - a vintage set of 8 for a total of $4 including shipping.  I spent a total of about $50 for my Fall themed decor to supplement what I already had.

One thing I regret is not getting a new camera when I ruined mine this summer - my little "point & click" just doesn't capture how warm and inviting my little room really is.

 But, here goes - I'll give you a little tour surrounding my tablescape.
This is my buffet with an antique brass oil lamp that has been converted to Electric.  The conversion was many years ago.  I love this lamp - It has a fabulous glass shade.  It's a leaf design so perfect for my Fall theme.

Close-up of lamp
Notice these great old metal curtain tie-backs. I picked them up at an auction years ago in a box lot of stuff.  I think I paid $5 for the whole box.

Even my Fleur de Paris picture is of a Fall decorated storefront.

My little antique marble top washstand holds my International Stainless serving pieces.  I don't remember the pattern but they are silver with an outline of gold. A vintage iridescent vase that I bought for 50 cents holds some eucalyptus leaves.
 My pictures are all out of order - our power went off three times as I was trying to load them this morning - finally staying off for about five hours.  It's a miracle I got them loaded at all.  Below, we are finally getting around to the table.  My glassware is vintage amber Indiana Glass.  I found those also at a flea market for $5 for all six glasses.

See the cute little funky napkin rings.  They are made of wood an I think probably from the 1970's.

Real gourds add such a nice color to the table.  The silverplate candlesticks are part of a pair that I picked up at a consignment shop at the beach this past weekend for $5 for the pair.
I picked five beautiful needlework pictures made in the 1950's framed under glass this summer for $1 each at the Barnyard Flea market in Fort Mill, SC.  I fell in love with them - so sweet and homey.  It's sitting on the table on the marble buffet in the next picture below.  There are two more hanging on the wall over it.
 Below, you will see my old oak buffet with a marble top.  The orange Royal Doulton teapot you see also came from a yard seller this past weekend.  It's in perfect condition and I paid a big old $1 bill for it.  The bowl underneath the table holding baby pumpkins is Lenox - Butler's Pantry pattern - and I paid $3 for it at a yard sale this past weekend.  See why I love yard sales and flea markets?
A vintage Hyalyn white vase holds grapevine pumpkins and a small gourd.  The pretty mosaic glass candleholder has a lid that holds scented oils.  It was a gift last year from my daughter.  They are sitting atop an antique oak linen chest.  Tall and slender and one of my favorite pieces. 

I don't know how I got this photo so off-center!
 As I mentioned, I got the pictures all out of order - so some more of the tablescape photos are below.  I bought the tablecloth & napkins at TJ Maxx and the table runner at Home Goods.  Some of these pictures were made at night and some during the day.  The night ones have a warmer glow. I may have a few duplicates - I'm sorry to bombard you with so many photos, but I wanted all angles.

This is a very large antique brown pottery jug that I picked up in Pennsylvania on an antiquing trip about 15 years ago.  I love it.  It's perfect for holding arrangements.

.   Here's the pattern:

An antique oak hutch holds a matte green McCoy cornucopia vase, a plaque of The Lord's prayer that belonged to my mother.
...and this great metallic candle holder that lets the light shine through the leaf design.  It came from the Home Goods Store and puts out such a warm glow!
 And finally - one last look at the tablescape.  I hope you enjoyed your tour.



  1. Oh, my Dear Glenda.
    What a fabulous pictures of your table setting and inside of your house☆☆☆
    Today I'm facing with PC coping with as many commenting as I can for the one I missed doing it.
    I enjoyed and STUNNED with the pics so beautiful, just havn't got the time to read.
    Will come back to comment again my Dearest friend♡♡♡
    Hugs to you, Orchid*

  2. Glenda...Southern Living would be proud to have you grace their pages! That is the lovliest table scape I've seen in a while! What pretty dishes you have...thanks for sharing.


  3. Thanks Orchid - you were telling me in an email that in your country, you also set beautiful tables. It would be great for you to do a blog on Japanese tablescapes.

    Sush, thank you for the compliment. I was hesitant to even do this post, because my decorations are so budget conscious - you should see some of the beautiful, elegant tablescapes out there in Blogger Land!

  4. I think those pictures would satisfy even the *poshest* of magazines! What a beautiful home.
    I also love an eclectic look of new & old things and different styles.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  5. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog! I really enjoyed your tablescape--WELCOME!!! we have such fun every week--well, I couldn't do it this week, but i will again next week. I love all your thrifty deals!!!


  6. How pretty -- love your little brown jug and wonderful china.

  7. Beautiful china pattern...I ♥♥♥ your lamp, it is gorgeous!

  8. Glenda...Your home is warm and inviting...and I love that you're a 'treasure hunter' like me! I, too, have a mixture of old and new. Your tablescape is beautiful!!!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog~


  9. Very pretty - You did a great job!
    You got some great buys on your decor.
    Thanks for stopping by. We share a good name don't we? :-D I will be back to visit and check out more of your posts when have a little more time.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Very pretty table. And you are a bargain hunter supreme! *winks* Vanna

  11. Ohhhhh, this is so beautiful. The table linens are a great color and the dishes...well, just so lovely! Perfect for fall!

  12. Everything looks beautiful and cozy..
    The fall look is wonderful..When fall hits Maine..I get sad, because I know what follows Snow.Oh dear..


I love to hear your comments!