
Thursday, May 5, 2011

A nip in the air and Life is Good...

What a beautiful start to a beautiful day!  I love watching the sun rise.  It filters in and out of the trees across the street above my neighbor's beautiful old home - a home that over a century later is still occupied by members of the family that built it.
We had quite a nip in the air this morning - 37 degrees when I checked the thermometer outside the door. But we're not touching our thermostat.  It's been turned off for almost a month now with only a brief round of air conditioning to get the humidity out of the air on those 80 plus degree days.  It's funny how the sun shining on pretty leafy trees and green grass outside makes 37 degree days in the Spring feel different than the 37 degree days in the brown, leafless days of winter.

The cicada's are still molting, flying into the trees and singing - if you want to call the noise they're making singing - sounds more like a car needing a fan belt change.   Olive is still broody - sitting those eggs that won't hatch - I haven't had the heart or the time to pick her up and dispose of the eggs - plus I'm not looking forward to a good chicken flogging when I do.  She's rather moody along with being broody when it comes to that nest of eggs.   The bantam hen is doing a good job of raising her chicks that were born at Easter - it's fun watching them come running when she signals food or danger and more fun to watch as they snuggle under her wings when nap time comes.  Olive checked them out one day last week - I wonder if she felt a little envious? 

Henry still has his Easter Egg car lot which I'll post some pictures of later.  A great little hobby that has made him a little extra spending $$. 

Grandchildren are doing wonderful in school.  Chloe is a South Carolina Junior Scholar - which is a big honor for 8th graders.  Jake has been on the straight A honor roll his whole freshman year in high school and Genevieve has also been a straight A honor roll student in third grade.  Makes a grandma proud! 

Life is good!

Copyright - Ima Turtle -  by Chloe
Have a blessed day!


  1. I cant wait to see the "Easter Egg Car Lot" Cant imagine.
    OH I love that Russian Chicken, She is cute and I bet she does have attitude.

  2. Lovely that all the grandchildren are doing so well in school. As you say, it makes you very proud of them!! I'm waiting to hear how the story of poor old Ollive ends!


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