
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Olive is a mother - just in time for Mother's Day..

What better time of the year for a hatchling!  Olive is the proud mother of one baby chick.  Today, after waiting twenty-seven days for her eggs to hatch, we finally moved her so we could discard the eggs.  Much to our surprise, when we picked her up, a just-hatched baby chick came scurrying out from under her.  We were delighted - we had given up hope that any would hatch.  We discarded all the other eggs because it was apparent they would not hatch. You see, Olive's own eggs were not fertile, but a small bantam had layed one egg in her nest.  It's a long story on why Olive will have nothing to do with the roosters.  In a nutshell, she had an abusive spouse (rooster) of her own kind.  We got rid of him when we found Olive with lots of injuries from one of his abusive moods.  But now, she is one proud little mama strutting around fluffing her feathers.  She bit me once, but then decided to trust me.  It's definitely not her biological chick, but don't tell her - she thinks it is.  All of you get the exclusive opportunity to see the first photos of the little celebrity.
She looks nothing like her mother
I'll let you guys pick her name.  Or it may be a boy - it's hard to tell until they're a lot older.  We named Olive so that if she turned out to be a boy, she would be Oliver.  So pick a name that can be a boy or girl or one that can be easily converted.  When I get a list of names, either on Facebook, blog or email, I'll list them all, and we'll vote.

On a different note, I promised some photos of the Easter Egg car lot.  Here it is - now you'll know how it got it's unofficial name.
Left to right: Orange, blue, pink, white, yellow and red.  We had green, but it got sold before the picture was taken.

And up front is the guard dog of the Easter Egg car lot.  Fox....he thinks he's tough, but he's just a big sissy.
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to nominate a name for baby chick.

P.S.  I thought about naming her after a student years ago that we had at the elementary school where I worked.  Her name was Amiracle.  I asked mom if she had been a preemie or had some health issues that made her name her that.  I shouldn't have asked....should have just assumed that was the case.  She told me that she named her Amiracle because she got pregnant without ever .... well, you get the picture.  This is an absolutely true story.  Please - some of my school friends....Jill - where are you?  Please verify that this is true or everyone will think I'm making this up.  And comment on the blog site, not just on Facebook.   I'll leave you on that note.. Have a great day.


  1. Cinco, as he was born on the 5th.
    So Sweet,I Love baby chicks, I remember when we got ours by the box full. like 50 or 100 tiny little yellow babies. That was our food.
    Love the Easter Parade. What model are they, (obviously I do not know cars)

  2. Sue, that's a great one. Cinco de Mayo - got a nice ring to it. The cars are Geo Trackers and Suzuki Sidekicks - 1990-1995 year models.

  3. Comment on Facebook from my friend, Jill, who worked with BEH students at our school: "Your story about Amiracle is absolutely true! So funny to remember that!"

  4. Oh I can't tell you just how happy I am for Olive!! Wonderful news to start my day!! Lovely photo of proud mum and her little chick. How about Rube for a name. Then if it's a little girl it can be Ruby, and if a little boy it could be Ruben. Just a suggestion! :)

  5. My suggestion is Duke or Duchess ....

  6. I love Rube / Ruby, Thisisme. After all she is a little gem.

    And Nil, Duke / Duchess is a wonderful idea - in honor of the royal wedding last week.

    Thanks everyone for the names - keep them coming. I've got other suggestions by email and facebook. Tomorrow, I'll list them all and we'll vote.

  7. That little chick is gorgeous. How about.....Billy/ Billie? After all.... they do have little bills to peck about with.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  8. Maggie, I like Billy / Billie. It has a smooth "roll off the tongue" feel to it.


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