
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Week through Photos

This was the week I had planned to do some Spring Cleaning.  I had a schedule made out of what I would do each day and had all intentions of following it.  Schedules are not any fun and doing things with the Hubby are, so when he suggested I ride with him to the mountains to Franklin, North Carolina to pick up a new hunting dog, I just hopped in the truck and away we went.  We left at 7:30 a.m. and got back about twelve hours later.  It was a beautiful day and a pretty trip.  The dog owner had a beautiful place on the Little Tennessee River and they do summer rafting tours for a living.  I took lots of pictures as you'll see below.

I posted in one of my blogposts this week about Yellow Bell bushes.  This is one in all it's glory!

What a life!  Sitting in the porch rockers - watching the river flow by. 
 The photo's below are ones I took on the ride home.  Remember, I said a few weeks ago that people are always saying my hubby looks like the race car driver, Bobby Allison.  When he travels, he zooms in and out of towns as if he's doing the Daytona 500 in Bobby's old car.  He doesn't slow down much for pictures so I have to take them on the run.  They're not very clear, but you can see they're mountains.  These are especially for my friends across the Atlantic.

The only reason I captured this photo so well was because it happened to be at a stoplight that turned red on us.
 Yesterday I worked a little in the house, but today when Bobby Allison said "Let's go fishing", I hopped in the truck again.  The lake is over on my daughter's property and the weather was perfect.  A little too windy for fishing, but a beautiful Spring day to sit around a lake and relax.

Hey, I think the cork is bobbing a little bit!

Can you spot the fish?  This is like one of those puzzles you see on facebook that says "Can you spot the face in this picture".  Well, the fish is not very big, but a keeper nevertheless.

The catfish was a little bigger!
There weren't any photos of my  big catch.  Catching a tree limb and a bramble briar bush are not very newsworthy. 

Now what would you have done?  It's a no-brainer, isn't it?  The house can wait.  We're not guaranteed another day in life.  Time spent with those you love is much more important.  Savor every moment!


  1. Love the photos - and your last lines are absolutely spot on! I love the big wooden buildings; over here we build with bricks (although there are now some wooden build-it yourself kits available)

  2. ..and you didn't wave on your way by? I guess 'Bobby' was traveling a little too fast. I reckon you used 26 and didn't pass by.

  3. Oh, how wonderful to have had two special days unexpectedly like that. Gorgeous photos for us to look at . You are so right, far more important to spend time with those you love is so important for us to do when we get the opportunity - household tasks will always be there tomorrow!


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