
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Snapshots - The Birthday Girl

Just as the first guests were pulling in the driveway of Genevieve's 10th birthday party, the power went out.  It was only 5 p.m. though, and positive thoughts were trying to conjure up the electrical forces at fault to come back on again any time.  There was a fierce wind blowing with a forecast of 19 degrees fahrenheit, but that didn't deter nine girls and one big boy from making the best of the situation.  A candlelight birthday party - what could be more fun? 

Our birthday parties are family occasions and grandmas, grandpas, uncles and aunts are always crashing the party.  No one seems to mind.  Here's a jumbled up bunch of pictures with my new camera that I had not quite figured out yet.  I also just realized when I was pulling the photos up that someone forgot to tell the birthday girl to brush her goldi-locks before the pictures, but that doesn't matter.  That sweet smile outshines the locks any day.

The birthday girl!
A bunch of cute little girls.

Scientific discussions concerning the force of gravity and space exploration.  That's for another post.

Blowing out the candles and making a wish. 

Getting that little bit of icing off the candle.  That's always the best part.

A house full of people

Only the very young and the very old got to sit at the table.  You'll notice I wasn't in that picture.

Big sister Chloe doing one of her happy dances
The only boy in the crowd - Cousin Jake
Are we having fun yet?  There's a letter F on Chloe's forehead that stands for Fantabulous
At last!  Birthday presents!  "This is what I've been waiting for", she's thinking.  Everyone got a hug and a thank you from the birthday girl.
Candlelight and a nice warm fire in the fireplace made for a memorable birthday party and the lights came back on around midnight!  Hip hip hurray!  And Happy Birthday to the sweetest 10 year old I know!


  1. This post reminded me so much of my childrens birthdays - when my parents played such an important part in their lives. No social gathering was complete without them their, quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) melding into the scene.

    Lovely pictures - and it goes without saying you are not seated! You are still an inbetweener.

  2. How perfect! Having a party by candle light will be one of the many ways they will always remember the wonderful celebration. Happy birthday to the special birthday girl!

  3. Dearest Glenda,
    Oh, what an excitement and lovely party♪♪♪
    The special girl will keep the sweet time in her mind for long, I am sure.
    Thank you very much for the gimps of your side of your party pictures!!!
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*


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