
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 was a year filled to the brim for our family. Some days were filled with joy, others tempered with sadness. 2011 brought the birth of new babies in our family, but it also brought the loss of ones we loved. It brought us good health on some days, but illness on others. It brought us the joy of childrens' laughter, but it also brought a few tears. And it brought us grandchildren growing as fast as weeds.

Life is full of ups and downs, but if we keep focused on the One who brings everlasting life, we will experience it as we should. May 2012 bring each of you, my friends, health, happiness and the fullness of life.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post for us today, my friend. Wise words indeed. I love the line about grandchildren growing faster than weeds! They certainly do!! I still remember little Rube :( Happy New Year to you and all your family, Glenda. Thank you for your friendship this past year.


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