
Saturday, December 24, 2011

From our house to yours - Merry Christmas

Here's wishing old friends and new friends a very, merry Christmas - from our house to yours! 
Although we've been experiencing 65 - 70 degree days here n the Carolinas, it snowed in our Christmas village and they're all getting into the Christmas spirit.

Santa is serving up a slice of Orange Slice Candy Cake.  This cake has been a family tradition for over 60 years.  I can't remember a Christmas that my mother didn't make it and there would be a mutiny in our family if I didn't do the same.
Christmas!  For Christians throughout the world, Christ is the real reason for the season.

I don't want to leave out my friends from other religions - so Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you!  


  1. Merry Christmas to y'all, too.

    Love the weather we're having and an orange slice cake sounds scrumptious.

    I believe we have a village similiar to yours. Maybe next year I'll be more in the spirit.

    Pretty cool looking Santa, also.

  2. Your Christmas looks wonderful! God bless.


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