
Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas in the South - The Elf on the Shelf basking in the sunshine

If you want snow for Christmas, just pass by South Carolina on your way north.  I've been working out in my flower garden this morning separating bulbs and replanting them.  No jacket - no long sleeves - just a summer t-shirt. It's a balmy 65 degrees today.

Elfia - watching me work

Not having much luck using that pitchfork!
Too much work!  Basking in the sunshine.

You would never know it's December except for the Christmas music the church bells are playing in the background.  I love it!

We do get cold weather here in South Carolina - we even have snow, but December is the month for fickle weather.  It's either a balmy 70 degree day or a cold, dreary 30 degree day - or somewhere in between.

Wherever you are, here's wishing you a joyous Christmas season - no matter what the weather!

Note:  Elfia, pictured above is a vintage elf from the 1960's.  Similar to her brother Elfie in this post.


  1. I happen to be a HUGE fan of warm Christmas weather! Originally from New Orleans, I miss those warm Christmases!
    Sounds like a wonderful way to spend your days before Christmas...working in the garden.
    Christmas blessings to you and yours~

  2. It is good that you can carry the fun of the Christmas spirit even in the warmer weather. I have a hard time with it. Portland never seems to get really cold until February but that doesn't keep me from looking out the window and wishing for flakes to fall from heaven.
    I can remember super warm days when we were stationed in Okinawa when Hubby had to mow the yard after we did morning presents with the girls. I guess those memories make me grateful for our now 40 degree weather.
    Blessings to you and sweet little Elfie.

  3. How I envy you those balmy temperatures my friend, and to be working in the garden in short sleeves :) Wishing you and your family a very happy and joyous Christmas.

  4. Hi! Dearest Glenda,
    Wow, balmy weather would be wonderful at this time of the year♬♬♬ Haha, too cold for working outside now.
    Lovely Elf watching you, how nice♡♡♡
    Merry Christmas to you, xoxo Orchid*

  5. They are predicting a mild Christmas Day here - but I have been up and running early every morning lately and there has always been a very heavy frost and over the weekend it was even snowing (but not settling)

    Love your elves but what is she holding?

  6. The little elves from the '60's were called knee-huggers. Their little hands are sewn together. Sad, isn't it? If they weren't though, it would be hard to pose them hugging their knees.


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