
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas decorations slowly going up - and a day in the life of a chicken

Not much time for words - life goes fast in December doesn't it?  Just a few pictures to chronicle everyday stuff.

The bantams day on the park bench.   Look lively boys - the girls are watching.!
Ahh!  I love the look of the old mercury ornaments.

The little tinsel tree is up with the vintage ornaments - I love the way it's reflected in the mirror above it.

I have a smaller tree this year so that it doesn't take up my whole living area.  Decorated with vintage ornaments - I'll do some closeups when I get time.

I hope your December is more relaxed than mine.  I've barely had time to decorate.  I love perusing my friends' blogs and seeing all the beautiful decorations.  I feel like I'm visiting in their homes.  How about you? 


  1. Hi Glenda, how are you doing? Those are great photos.

    The tree reflection in the mirror is pretty.

    Have a great weekend my friend :)
    Take care, Janet W

  2. Thank you Janet. Thanks for visiting again. The weekends are slipping by - just two weeks 'til Christmas! Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Nice post thanks for sharing...shalom soraya

  4. I know what you mean about December...November seems to fly by quickly too.

    Love the boys on the bench.

    Blessings Kelsie

  5. Love both the trees!

  6. Your home is decorated so beautiful! I love your vintage collection. I've said it plenty but must say again that you do have a keen eye for beauty treasures.
    Blessings to you this week in all you do.

  7. Glenda....your decorations are just beautiful. I was so sorry to read about the sadness in your community. I sometimes think that it is those times that keep us grounded and focused on why we're really here...and that this world is just a small blip.

    Continued blessings to you. I pray your hearts will fill with the joy of our Lord's birth!

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog~xoxoxoxoxo


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