
Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Lady in Red - An Angel gets her Wings

Last week, in my post Beautiful Minds, I wrote about my sister-in-law, Faye, and her courageous battle with cancer.  Last night Faye breathed her last breath on earth as a mortal and her first breath in heaven. She will be greatly missed.

Faye (we called her "Sis") was my husband's sister, but was like my own.  When I became his wife 45 years ago, we, like Ruth to Naomi vowed,  "Your people will be my people and your God my God."  And it has been that way.  We both love each others family like they're our own.... and they are.

Sis lived her life full of love and laughter and I never once heard her say a harmful word about another person.  She saw the good in everyone and made everyone she knew feel as if they were her best friend.   To have known her was a blessing and her gentle spirit will be with us always.  The number of friends and family that surrounded her as she slipped peacefully from this world was a testimony to just how much this wonderful lady was loved.

Red was her favorite color and she wore it beautifully.  If you look through her photo albums, red is the predominate color you'll see.  Flowers, angels and dolls....those were some of her favorite things.  She and I shared a love of scouring yard sales and thrift shops.   She always came home with a treasure.  Christmas was a magical time for her and she recently pointed out to me that she had left up a small nativity from last Christmas just because she loved looking at it. 

Each day through her battle with cancer, Sis rose early and dressed for the day.  She could have easily opted for pajamas, but each morning got fully dressed from her closet of beautiful clothes.  She didn't consider herself fully dressed without lipstick on her lips, and her nails polished.

Here she is - the Lady in Red.  After radiation  took away her beautiful head of dark hair, she had a hat for every occasion.  Cancer didn't dampen her spirits - I never heard her complain a single time.
As we mourn for her, we also rejoice in the life she led - a life that showed she followed Christ.   I can just picture her now breezing past Saint Peter, reaching out to those who went before her - Her mom, her dad and Rayford, her husband and best friend.  .   

And this Christmas.....she'll probably try to hang a red wreath on the pearly gates. She'll make Heaven sparkle. 


  1. My heart aches for you and yours on your loss. One of my dearest friends is facing the end game of her fight with cancer. She is brave and valiant like your sister-in-law was in her fight.
    I'm in awe of these mighty warriors.


  2. Thanks for your kind words, Sush. I could only hope to be half that brave and my heart goes out to your friend who is battling cancer and to the family and friends she will leave behind.

  3. Oh, Dear Glenda.
    I really am sorry for you and yours on your loss from me too.
    What a gorgeous lady in red dress!!! And wonderful tribute you wrote for your sister-in-law Faye.
    I was SO moved by your words of the title of this post, "An Angel gets her Wings". SO beautiful for the lady who fought the battle bravely.
    As you wrote in your last paragraph, I believe she is now with her related loved ones with her (sorry to hear you've already lost Rayford your brother) and looking down on you.
    May her soul rest in peace!

  4. I'm sorry to read of the loss of your beloved Faye. She sounds like an amazing person to have known and loved. And to be loved by...


  5. What a beautiful tribute and she looks so serene in that photograph you have posted.

  6. What a beautiful and moving tribute in honour of Faye, your lovely sister in law. She does, indeed, look lovely in red. I am so sorry for your loss, and I can imagine how much she will be missed by all her family and friends. She sounds like a very special lady indeed. She is at peace now, and reunited with her loved ones in heaven. Blessings to you my friend. How wonderful that Faye always got dressed and always had her lipstick and nail varnish on. She must have been an inspiration to you all.

  7. Oh my, what a lovely tribute indeed. I am in tears. I have been through breast cancer and I am still here. I often wonder why. I do know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and the service to others we should accomplish in our lives. Our mission. Faye must certainly have fulfilled hers in the wonderful way she lived and loved. And I feel I as yet still have something I must do.
    What a sweet lady. And I agree just by how you write of her that she will make heaven sparkle. :)
    Are you the Glenda who came to my blog through Marydon? My followers thing has not showed up today. lol
    My blog is Do stop by again, if that was you. And if not, it'd be great to have you stop by. :) I found you by looking through Marydon's followers. Take care, Janet W

  8. What a beautiful person..You know I wrote a blog about Steve Jobs..when his sister said how he looked at each one of them and then past them..he said.."Oh wow,oh wow, oh wow"..Everytime I read this..I felt joy..What did he see? I know this, it is waiting for all of us, when our time comes..


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