
Saturday, September 24, 2011


In my spare time, you can find me strolling through small consignment shops, thrift shops, flea markets and occasionally the Goodwill stores in whatever towns I happen to be passing through.  I'm all about finding bargains - trying to balance my purchases between happiness and hoarding, smile.

There's a new Hospice Re-sale shop in a town closeby that I plan to visit soon - the non-profit, charity shops are my favorites - it's almost completely staffed by volunteers and all the dollars you spend go towards funding the Hospice program.

Some people think shopping at thrift stores is somehow demeaning, but I'm not one of those.  I look at it as being a good steward of the resources God gives us.  I don't need the latest fashion items to make me feel good about myself - I would rather donate what I've saved by being thrify on making someone else feel good about themselves.  Buying a wig or cap for a cancer patient in Hospice - or helping to fund someone's employment by buying from Salvation Army or Goodwill is what makes me feel good.

Looking at related articles today, I happened upon another blog that I enjoyed reading.  Ruth at Living Well, Spending Less has some great ideas for bargain shopping.  Run on over to her blogsite and get links to coupons and ways to save money.

I have a niece and also know of two young mothers from our church who are coupon queens.  Heather, Ashley and Julie get free groceries all the time by being diligent coupon shoppers - they are organized and efficient and save tons of money on each shopping trip.  I don't have the time, organizational skills, or patience for coupon shopping - everyone has their own bargain shopping style.

Flea market browsing has also been a good source of extra income for me - aiding and abetting my "junkie" pastime.   I've found many an antique or vintage item there begging for a new home.  I still have a leftover glow of excitement at my two favorite finds.  A rare vintage Candlewick glassware mayonaise dish that I bought at a yardsale for $1 brought $531 on Ebay a few years ago.  A pair of prints by artist Terry Redlin that we paid $20 each for brought over $2000 for the pair.

Terry Redlin print similar to my flea market finds


So what does that tell you?  Sometimes it "pays" to be a bargain shopper.  Get out there and give it a go.  You'll be hooked just like I am.


  1. I love to go junking. New stuff just doesn't have any appeal to me. I like the old, worn out with a character items. Kinda like me. ;)

  2. So true! These places can be like stepping into someone else's world. Or many others' worlds.

  3. Just popping by to say hello and have a read of your lovely blog.

    We don't have many thrift shops where I live but after reading your post I think that the next time I am in the city I will certainly be having a look through any I find!

    Well done you on your great buys.

    Have a good Sunday



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