
Sunday, September 11, 2011

An Early Birthday Gift

My birthday is toward the end of this month, but this past week I received an early gift from my youngest daughter.  She found a wonderful shop in a nearby town that takes old furniture and gives it new life.  She fell in love with a re-purposed vintage table and mirror and thought they would look perfect in a small area as you walk inside my kitchen door from the outside.  I now have a small dark table with a matching mirror there.  The new table would have looked fabulous there....if it had been narrower.  Alas, it was too wide, so I started searching for another spot for it.  I found it!  My foyer leads to a small hallway beside the stairway and I've had an antique oak washstand there forever.  It's small and insignificant there, but it fit perfectly in size, so I had just left it there.

This is the washstand that was in the foyer - after I moved it to it's new home.

My birthday gift would look perfect in the hallway. It would lighten it up and give it a little lift. I moved the oak nightstand on to the Sun Porch which has become my husband's fishing lodge themed man cave - a place to display his antique fishing collection.

This is the hallway after I added the vintage table and mirror. 
I plopped an antique blue porcelain washbowl, a vintage blue vase, a blue and white flower arrangement and a whitewashed lantern on the table top.  I made a floral swag to go over the mirror.  Voila!  I like this new look, don't you? 

Thank you, Krista, for my early birthday gift!  You brightened my day....and my hallway.


  1. That looks similiar to a larger, gate-legged table I had years ago.

  2. My birthday is Sep. as well.
    Happy for your wonderful gift from your daughter♡♡♡♡
    Change of atmosphere in the house is always great, isn't it♬ Blessing to your daughter, too!!!
    Still not perfect condition yet, but I think I'm feeling better! Thank you for your swwet words, my friend.
    Love and Hugs, xoxo Orchid.

  3. Its amazing how a change of location can make a huge difference!

  4. What beautiful presents from your daughter. Lucky you! I love the little table, and the table and the mirror look really good in your hallway, and I love all the little things you have placed on the table.


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