
Monday, July 18, 2011

HOT NOW - A dieter's dirty dozen

Krispy Kreme's HOT NOW signs seem to haunt us.  Every time we pass by one, the glowing red light seems to be on and today was no exception as we traveled home from the coast.  As we exited off I-95 in Florence, it seemed to be a beacon signalling us to pull over for a quick sugar fix!  I never stop at Krispy Kremes and would not have today if not for the company I keep.  I love sweets but can normally resist them, but the hubby cannot. He would have probably driven on by, but we stopped at the Arby's for lunch and the sign below was just two doors down.    

All of this happened simply because I was looking for a nice low carb lunch.  I love Arby's Grilled Chicken Salad on Wheat sandwich and was so proud that I had only eaten half of it along with my unsweetend iced tea.  Hubby kept staring out the restaurant's window the whole time we were eating with a "glazed" look on his face.   The sign seemed to take control and I half expected to see him walk out of Arby's in a zombie-like state with his arms in front of him crushing everything in his path while muttering "hot now - hot now - hot now".

When we got back in the car, instead of turning to the right to go back onto the highway, he turned to the left.  He just couldn't resist and when I saw him walking out of the shop with a large box of a dozen, I knew we were doomed!  He quickly plopped the warm box on my lap.   I slowly opened the box as if I expected a rattlesnake to jump out at me and it was just about as bad.  I was dead meat!  The heavenly scent filled the car.   In an almost "out of body" experience, I saw myself taking deep breaths and in slow motion lifting a beautiful, warm, mouth-watering, awe inspiring, perfectly round puff of pastry right out of the box and devouring it in three insatiable bites.  Before I knew it, I had devoured another!  In the time I had eaten two, Henry had eaten three and I smacked his hand as he reached for a fourth.  "Enough!", I said, hugging the box.  "What good is 'hot now' if you don't eat them while they're hot?", he said.  "We must resist", I said as I licked the sugary glaze off my fingertips and closed the box. 

I glared at him all the way home.   "What?" he said,  "you would have been mad at me if I had come out with only one donut for myself".   He had a point there.  Now there's seven donuts in my kitchen, but as long as the box doesn't glow with a "hot now" neon red sign, I think I'll make it.


  1. Around Krispy Kreme Chocolate Glazed Custard Filled Doughnuts, I have the will power of a flea. Fortunately the nearest Krispy Kreme is 20 miles away. We ignore the ones in the supermarket. They're just not the same. Whenever we go to one of our favorite parks, on the way home the car takes on a will of its own and always pulls into the Krispy Kreme parking lot. In October when we attend my father-in-law's shipmate annual reunion it is our job to go to Krispy Kreme and gather about a hundred of those doughnuts. While we're waiting for them to put our order together, we drink our coffee and eat our two doughnuts. I am so glad we don't have a place around the corner from where we live. We would be in big trouble!

  2. I've never heard of that place, living over here in England, but Krispy Kreme certainly does sound good! I did laugh at your description of your husband walking out of the restaurant like a zombie!! Hee Hee! He was quite right though, you would have been cross if he had come out with just one doughnut!!! Poor men - they just can't win, can they?!

  3. Denise, they're very hard to resist aren't they? I'm thinking about feeding what's left to the chickens this morning, but I really don't want little Olive to be obese, lol.

    Thisisme, if you've never had a fresh out of the oven, glazed Krispy Kreme donut, you are leading a deprived life. But I'm pretty sure the KK chain has contributed to the fattening up of us Americans. They are a chain all across the US and when they're baking them fresh, they put a large red neon sign in the window that says "hot now". You'll see swarms of people pulling over into their parking lot, lol.

  4. Love the post! I think the hardest thing for me and for most people
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