
Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Open Air Market on a hot Saturday morning

About the only difference between an open air market and a flea market is what the county ordinances allow you to call it.  We have a nice little open air market at Holden Beach.  It's where we peddle our wares and they were "pedaling" at a high rate of speed today.  The fish are bitin' and the fishermen are hankerin' to go out and catch 'em! 

I thought I would show you a few things other people are peddling today.  We have a neat bunch of vendors at our market.  If you're ever down this way, stop in.

Lori's cute cottage style decor.  She's added some patriotic themes for the coming 4th of July holiday.  I keep wandering back to her booth.  I love her style.

More of the good stuff

Here's Lori herself on the left  - with a customer waiting in line.

This guy's a regular.  His Hibiscus and Angel trumpets are some of the prettiest I have ever seen. Some of the blooms are 12' diameter!  They're perrineals - not the tropicals so they will come back every year.  Anyone want me to bring a load home next time.  Most are $10 with the larger ones a little higher.  So healthy and beautiful

Mike, the New York hot dog man.  If he's not there, you'll have a lot of unhappy people.  Best hot-dog in town!  He spends more time cleaning his booth than he does making hot dogs.  He's fastideous when it comes to cleanliness.
The other Mike, the produce man.  Great peaches, lopes and melons.  And fresh and boiled peanuts in the fall of the year.
Lori and Jimmy sell this beautiful cedar furniture.  Same Lori that has the great cottage decor.

It wouldn't be an open air market in the summertime without snow cones. 

Another great outdoor furniture vendor.  This one sells teakwood.  We bought a table from him recently.

Here we are!  We give Walmart a run for their money.  They've actually complained that we sell our fishing stuff too cheap and it hurts their sales.  Walmart!  Can you believe we hurt their sales?

You definitely have to have some flea market stuff.  Everyone stops in and buys from Linda and Larry.

Even bathing suits.  This guy gets lots of tourist business.  He sells all his bathing suits for $13. He even has a little tent to change in.  My hubby swears that when the sun is just right....well, if you come down to buy a bathing suit, don't change in the tent.

Flags galore.  They're pretty blowing in the wind.
Ray and Betty - the anchors of the open air market - I won't say how long they've been here - it might give away their age.  Betty's a breath of sunshine - always a smile on her face.  Ray, you are one lucky guy.

After seeing all the neat merchandise and nice people, doesn't it make you want to stop in and shop?  It's a great way to spend a Saturday morning - it's an early market so come out from the beach before breakfast!  See ya' there!


  1. Love this type of open air market. There are some lovely things there and they make great compositions for photos.

    Well.... many thanks for identifying my mystery moth.
    A bit embarrassing that...... having an American identify a British moth!
    I am a city dweller though! (No excuse!)
    Anyway, many thanks. I've looked it up on Google.
    I'd previously searched moth books and pictures on line but wasn't able to track it down before as I didn't know the name.
    I'm extremely grateful.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  2. Thanks for your comment Maggie. There's such a great sense of Camaraderie amongst the vendors. Most out there are empty nesters or retirees just looking for something to do or to earn a little extra income. It's also open to yard sellers for a small fee and I've found some great vintage and antique items there.

    Glad that I was of some help identifying your moth. I don't think we have that type of moth here in the states - if so, I've never seen one.


I love to hear your comments!