
Thursday, June 30, 2011

A ferry ride and a surprise visit to an albino alligator at Fort Fisher Aquarium

 A great trip to Fort Fisher to the aquarium today with my crew.  From left to right - my granddaughter, Gen and her best friend, then my youngest daughter, Krista and her oldest daughter, Chloe, next my grandson, Jake and on the far right, Amber - Chloe's best friend.  Such great kids!   We had so much fun - nothing like being with children and grandchildren.
This is a real alligator at the aquarium, but he is behind glass, thank goodness.  He looked like he was eyeing the tasty morsel right there in front of him.

There was also an albino alligator.  If you've never seen one - which you probably haven't since they're so rare, click on the word alligator to see one.

The most fun was the ferry ride across the Cape Fear - the fresh ocean breeze and beautiful sky - and being with the people I love.  What could be better?  I hate to see this vacation come to an end.

1 comment:

  1. Only me, Glenda, popping over to say hallo! So glad that you are having such an enjoyable vacation and to be spending it with all those people that you love. Lovely photo today. Make the most of whatever time you have left of your vacation my friend.


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