
Monday, May 2, 2011

Flowers and Fowl - Backyard Beauties

I was walking around outside today watering my flowers and decided to take some quick pics while some of the bulb plants are still blooming - they don't last long.  No dialog today - only photos.
A tiny purple iris.  I don't remember the name.

My "rock" garden

The other side of the "rock" garden

Roosters & Roses

Our bantum rooster and one of the hens

A small bantam hen and her little Easter chicks. They were born the day after Easter.  I wish I had found her eggs and put one under Olive.

Our old rooster.  He's a Cochin / Silkie mix

Walnut tree surrounded by ground cover with horse "hitching post"

Ground cover with an Indian Hawthorne on the side

Another view


Another Amaryllis
Hope you enjoyed the backyard show.  I wish all of our yard looked like this.  I did some "selective" photography and left the junky areas out.  I love flowers - they brighten the world.


  1. I like it that you did 'selective' photography so that we only got to see the best bits! LOL! Your rooster is an amazing colour by the way. Lovely photos of some beautiful flowers. Photo no. 2 is very pretty.

  2. Thanks! My husband's hobby is working on old cars so selective photography was a necessity as he has a tendency to leave telltale signs of his work around for all the world to see. The 'old' red rooster is pretty amazing - we've had him for nearly 7 years - nursed him back to health from some pretty serious attacks from other roosters and stray dogs - but he's still full of life. Very unusual for one to live that long - especially being free-range in a land of coyotes, hawks, fox, weasels and other predators. He's pretty wise though -where the other chickens like sleeping in the tree-tops, he likes sleeping on a rafter in the top of the century old chicken house.

  3. OH I love the Rooster and Chickens and chicks. The Rock Garden, Wow I could have one of those if I could pile rocks, LOL Not really but that is gorgeous. Yes you only get my good side too.God Bless and thanks for visiting my blog./

  4. Yes..... I enjoyed the show.
    Beautiful colours and the hens & cockerel make good pictures.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  5. Sue, we were lucky with the big rock. Some road workers dug this up and I asked them if they would move it into my yard. They were happy not to have to carry it away. All the flowers are perennials so this little garden doesn't require much work.

    Thanks Maggie, my birds are quite photogenic, aren't they?


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