
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Lady with the Alligator Purse

"Fit as a Fiddle", that's what the doctor pronounced after he did my annual physical today. "Of course, you do need to see an orthopedic specialist about that bunion, and you need to see a dermatologist about that basal-cell carcinoma on your forehead, and since your gynecologist retired, we need to schedule you an appointment with a new one, and oh, by the way, I'm going to write you a prescription for support hose to help with your veins and the swelling in your ankles." 

"Uh, Dr. Tuttle, I thought you said I was fit as a fiddle", I said.  "You are", he said, "these are just natural signs of aging".  Aach!  Shush, don't say those words!   I went in to his office feeling "fit as a fiddle" and I came out with "natural signs of aging" ringing in my ears. 

The important thing is that I am basically healthy.  I feel wonderful, my blood pressure is normal, my cholesterol has always been excellent and I'm confident it will be again after my blood work today. I'm shrinking in pounds, but not in height.  Wiktionary definition of "fit as a fiddle":  Perfectly fit, in excellent health, in excellent condition.  All good news!  The kind of news we all want to hear at the doctor's office.

As I was driving home from the doctor's office, I started thinking about one of those hand-clapping games my girls played when they were in elementary school.   I have no idea what brought it into my head - maybe because it's about a doctor and nurse.  I always loved watching them as they clapped hands and chanted this sing-song rhyme - and I laughed thinking, what did a lady with an alligator purse have to do with the song? - to make it funny, I presume? - and to make me start chanting it many years later.

Miss Lucy had a baby, she named him Tiny Tim,
She put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap,
He tried to eat the bathtub, but it wouldn't go down his throat.
Miss Lucy called the doctor, Miss Lucy called the nurse, 
Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse.
In walked the doctor, In walked the nurse, In walked the lady with the alligator purse.
Mumps said the doctor, Measles said the nurse, Nothing said the lady with the alligator purse.
Out walked the doctor, Out walked the nurse, Out walked the lady with the alligator purse.

I'm sure there are probably many variations of it, but this was all I could remember.  Do any of you remember silly rhymes from your past?  If so, I would love to hear them.  If I tune out the noises around me and close my eyes just so,  I can still see these little blond and brown-haired girls not missing a beat as they....clap, touch hands.....clap, touch hands.....clap, touch hands, all the while singing "out walked the lady with the alligator purse".

There's even a book - available on and other on-line stores


  1. Glenda - I will be cursing you for the rest of the day! Sorry we sang something similiar but much more vulgar.

    Last time I visited my GP he whipped out the prescription pad and started drawing a map - he handed it over to me saying "This is the best thing I have ever done with a prescription pad" it was a map of an 8 mile running route that he does (he is a triathlete and I run a lot)

  2. I can remember something like, "Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick. So she called for the Dr to be quick, quick, quick. The doctor came with his bag and his hat, and he knocked on the door with a rat a tat tat!" It does have other verses. You sort of say it with a sing song voice. Now where did that rhyme suddenly come from, I wonder! Nothing wrong with my brain I hope!! Glad to hear that you are fit and strong!

  3. Jane, we all had our silly songs, didn't we? My doctor has been really pleased since I've been going to Yoga classes for the last few years (not the meditative kind - but the stretch / breathing exercises).

    And yes, Thisisme - I've heard the Miss Polly one, and my children reminded me this morning of Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack. Good memories of little sweet faces all caught up in a game.

  4. I laughed when I saw the Dr's uncle was a doctor and our name is Tuthill..which both names were common where I came from and the claim is..Tuthill is the original..haha..funny how that came to me, seeing the name. You sound like you are doing fine..keep at it..Thanks for visiting my blog..Rosebud.

  5. I'm really impressed that you can remember that rhyme. I personally cannot remember diddlysquat past yesterday. And congrats on the good report from the doctor. He should have stopped at 'fit as a fiddle' mind you :)

  6. Tuttle isn't a very common name here in the South - but he is such a Southern gentleman - except when he talks to the ladies about aging, that is, lol. Denise, I'm with you on not remembering diddlysquat past yesterday - but I heard those rhymes so many times, I could recite them in my sleep. It does seem funny to say it all the way through without interruptions though - they would mess up on the hand movements and have to start over every few seconds - probably why I remember it so well.


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