
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hickory Dickory Dock, the Mouse Climbed up the Clock

As far as I know, Houdini had not climbed up my clock yet. The title is a little misleading but I just wanted you to read the post and the title made it seem more exciting.    Before I waste more money on mouse traps and such, I'm using a thing that you plug into an outlet and it supposedly makes a loud, irritating noise that only mice and other pests can hear. I think Henry might be able to hear it since he's been complaining about ringing in his ears.   I seriously doubt this thing will work and I'm sure that Houdini is either laughing his socks off, or is doing a little dance to the beat of it. Let's hope that by tomorrow, this is what he'll have to say:

Houdini's poem continued...

The real estate agent
Was deceptive at best
When she sold me this house
for a nice summer's rest

It is such a nice house,
so cozy and clean
But that crazy old lady
is just downright mean

There's a loud ringing noise
Something's askew.
Hope my lawyer will ask
for a change of venue.

A change of venue,
A change of venue,
If he doesn't, then maybe
I'll ask him to sue.
        copyright Houdini the Mouse

to be continueed........

1 comment:

  1. Well, the title of your post certainly grabbed me! I look forward to reading what he gets up to next! I think it will probably be the mouse trap that does for him in the end!


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