
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

She didn't even stop to say hello

It is a rainy, dreary morning and even the daffodils in full bloom are doing little to brighten the late winter landscape as we speed our way down Highway 74 this morning.  This should be a relatively short trip as long as we don't follow our Garmin's inclination to take us into Cheraw to pick up Hwy US 1.  It's trying hard to get us to do that.  And it keeps saying "Recalculating" when we don't do what it wants us to do.

Lady Garmin (or L.G. as I will call her from now on) has been a little misleading lately.  I think she wants a new dress and a pair of new shoes.  She's sulking that we haven't changed her wardrobe since buying her in 2007.  I guess it's time to bite the bullet and upgrade her with a new map.

 This time we're heading to the little town of Benson - about halfway between Fayetteville and Raleigh - to pick up another car.  Our neighbors think we have opened up a car lot on our corner.  I prefer to think of it as finding a stable environment for homeless cars.  The homeless shelter inhabitants won't stay long though because Henry has a knack of rehabilitating them and finding them a new home for a small adoption fee.  He considers this work he's doing as his modest contribution to saving the planet.  This intense rehabilitation gives these little gas-sippers the opportunity to muscle their way through and give the gas-guzzlers a rest.

Many of these broken little cars are finding their way to the junk yards to be crushed because the price of metal has risen.   Car crushing is a form of recycling, but if you can recycle AND help save our natural resources, it's even better.  I'm sure if they could talk, they would be grateful.  They get great gas mileage.

As we cruise on down the road, we realize that L.G. is definitely out of sorts today. We would have been much better off printing Mapquest directions.  We must get her worked on!  She's taking us through downtown Fayetteville which we really wanted to avoid.

We're here! Four friendly little miniature donkeys are here to greet us as we get out of the truck.  I'm thinking about seeing if we can buy one of these instead of the car - riding a donkey would really be a gas-saver - although a little slow I suppose.
The four friendly little donkeys

Hooked up and ready to go home

L.G. decided she wanted to go home a different route.  We let her have her way.  We stopped in Lillington at a cute little restaurant overlooking the Cape Fear River to eat after which Henry promptly excused himself to the bathroom to be sick.  Which goes to show that cute little restaurants are not always good.  I was fine which means my constitution is a little stronger than his.  Probably from all those years eating in the school cafeteria.

We're now passing through Sanford.  Excuse me.  Was that church we just passed really called Barbecue Presbyterian Church?  I wonder how it got it's name?  OK, I googled its history:  "Barbecue, mother church to all the early churches in this area, possessed with a dignity and heritage all its own, was formally organized in 1758."  With a name like Barbecue, it must have been hard to maintain its dignity.  The Fayetteville Observer said this about the church:  "The church itself got its name not from pork, but from property.  An early settler to the area named “Red” McNeill saw steam rising from a nearby creek. It reminded him of the meat-cooking pits he had seen in the Caribbean, and he named the creek Barbecue Creek. The name became official in the early 1750s, as settlers began moving into the area".  Their website shows a rich and interesting history and ends with "and surely God is in this place".  That's what it's all about.

L.G. has sought redemption by bringing us home through Pinehurst and Southern Pines - a much nicer route than by way of Fayetteville.  But she has gotten a little flaky on us at times leading us down some little narrow streets that are barely wide enough for the car dolly to manage. 

We were glad to get back home again to South Carolina where all our animals came out to greet us.  Except little Olive, who I had left in her coop and when I un-cooped her, she came running down her little steps and ran to her normal nesting place and promptly laid an egg.  She didn't even stop to say hello.
Olive's egg.  I used it to make our whole wheat pancakes for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how funny... Olive had been holding on to that welcome home package for too long! *haha*
    Just found your blog through Mike from Our Little Meadow~ really enjoyed my visit!


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