
Saturday, March 26, 2011

The many shades of green...

I'm looking out the window and see green.  Glorius green - the "just after rain" kind of green that clears the air and make everything look, well, really green.  It's been a long time since we've seen green - I was getting a little tired of dull brown - brown grass, brown trees, brown moods. 

The ugly yellow layer of pollen has been washed off the cars and it looks like, ta da-a-a!  Spring!  But wait, it's only 48 degrees - still feels a little like winter.  I curled up on the sofa today with a book, a blanket and a cup of hot tea - I was going to go for hot chocolate, but that reminded me too much of snow.  The thing about Southern Spring weather is it's so unpredictable.  One day it's 81 degrees and the next it's 48.  Just when you start to put away the long sleeves and jackets, you find that you need them again.  We have about two more weeks of mother nature being fickle and then we can breath a sign of relief.  If we can still breathe that is.....ah-choo - hayfever season. 

It's wonderful to have seasonal changes.  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heavenEcclesiastes 3:1.
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