
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Don't mess with Mother Hen...

Gen and I were busy watering and feeding the chickens today after I picked her up at the bus stop. There's been one hen missing for several weeks now and today she showed up.  And with her were four tiny chicks - they had to have only hatched out today.  So sweet and soft and yellow.  Of course, I wouldn't know how soft they are - I only judged by past experiences with baby chicks - because the mother hen started clucking and ruffling her feathers when I tried to get close to them.  A vivid memory of being attacked by a mother hen when I was a child was enough to make me do a back walk.  Seriously, they can be downright mean - I carried a few scars from the chicken encounter back then. They don't mess around - they go for the kill (grin).

This happens every Spring.  The hens start hiding their nests so we won't find them.  That's how our chicken population got so out of control last year.  We were down to two roosters and four hens before this little brood hatched.  Looks like I'll be rounding up a Mama hen and chicks pretty soon and I think I know just the person who would want them.

Mother hens are a lot like mothers everywhere.  We will do anything to protect our children.  It also brings to mind Psalms 91: 4 - He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.  I think of this verse every time I am fearful.  It's a pleasant thought.


  1. Oh yes, how I miss the protection of my mother but am blessed to have a mother in law that treats me like a son and other mothers in the world like Mother Mary, and other Amma's to always bless me.

  2. Nil, you are very fortunate to have a mother in law that treats you like a son. I hope that my son-in-laws can say the same. I love both of them like sons.

  3. By the way Nil, I'm not familiar with the word Amma. Is it like a mother figure in your life?

  4.'re so right: don't mess with us mother hens! Sometimes I wonder if my grown sons know how protective I still am of them...and now their wives and children....even though they're grown up! Love doesn't end!! (beautiful verse!)


  5. If you can find lost chickens, maybe you can find lost keys. Mine went missing yesterday!

  6. You know Carol, I feel the same way about my grown children. It never stops does it? We keep adding more to the family which means that much more for this old mother hen to brood about. Retiredandcracy, if I had a dollar for every key I've lost through the years, I would be rich. I wish they had a remote control for keys...but then I would just lose the remote :-)

  7. Glenda, Amma is a term of endearment for mother in the South Indian language Tamil is is also frequently used for the Godesses ie Saraswathi Amma. So Mother Mary will be Mary Amma ;)

  8. Thanks Nil - I love learning about different countries and their cultures.


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